Hello to everydog!!! That such your weekend? My weekend has been very enterteining!!! First I went away to giving a walk along my city well early, because I like to see the dawn with mom and to run behind the doves that exist in the street... It was very cold, one notices that already the autumn has come...
Después hice lo más divertido...!!! Nos fuimos a dar un paseo en bicicleta... Donde vivo ahora, las bicicletas son gratis, y la gente la puede alquilar por un dia sin pagar nada... Mami, me llevo a dar un paseo, y me lo pasé muy bien... Luego estuve haciendo deporte con ella, e iba corriendo detrás de la bicicleta, cosa que me dejó totalmente rebentada...
Later I did the most fun thing ...!!! I went to give us a walk in bicycle... Where I live now, the bicycles are free, and the people can rent it for one day without paying anything... Mom, I lead to giving a walk, and I passed it to myself very well... Then I was playing sports with her, and i was running behind the bicycle, thing that left me totally dead...

Fue un dia bastante divertido, y despues de una jornada en la que no paré ni 5 minutos, acabé muerta, como podéis ver en esta fotografía...
It was an enterteining enough day, and after a day in which I stopped not even 5 minutes, I finished died, you can see in this photography...
Love, Chloe
Gracias a todos por visitar mi blog
Thank you everydog for visit my blog
13 comentarios:
Chloé!! A bike ride sounds very fun!! It's nice that you can fit in the busket and cruise around with your hooman. I would love to do the same but I am too big and wouldn't fit in the busket. :(
Momo xoxo
pee ess: I'll add your name to my friends list. Hope you don't mind.. :)
Parece que você se divertiu muito! Andar de bicicleta deve ser muito bom, eu sempre vejo bicicletas quando vou ao parque, mas nunca brinquei com elas.
Hola Chloe !!! eres preciosa !!! te he visto en el blog del Tito verdi, que diver debe ser montar en bici!!!...yo creo que eso no lo conoceré...porque estoy cada vez más grande y si no tiraría a mi bipe al suelo!! je je
Patita guapa y nos seguimos leyendo!
Hola Chloe
Que bueno que pasaste un fin de semana muy divertido! Con todas esas actividades puedo entender cuan cansada estabas al final!
Descansa que te lo mereces!
woofies chloe!!! nice to meet u..i cans c u wuz havin lots of fun in that basket...
b safe,
ps, happy barkday day chloe...i hopes u enjoyeded ur day...
Hello Chloe, I'm Verdi's friend. You sure have a great time going out in a bicycle. Happy belated birthday to you
~ Girl girl
Hey Chloe,
Welcome to www.dogswithblogs.com.au -it is great to meet you, and I am sure you will make lots of new friends here :-)
Hola chloe,
Que divertido estuvo tu fin de semana, cuantas actividades.
Espero que hayas podido descansar después de tanto andar.
uis que bueno lo de la bici..
nos tambien terminamos muertos. FUimos al parque a correr pero no tenemos fotos
patita amiga
Hi Chloe! It looks like you had a fun day! You must be exhausted now. I love the last picture of you sleeping.
Cuando era pequeña tuve un accidente en Peru con una carretilla de que vendia fruta...me atropello y desde ahi he desarrollado un panico a cosas con ruedas especialmente bicicletas, carretillas y motos, pero pococ a poco mi master esta que me ayuda a superar ese trauma.
What a fun day & you are such a good girl to be sitting so nicely for the bike ride & look very pretty even though you are fast asleep !!
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