Only two days for Xmas!!!!yuhhhhjjuuuuuu!!!!! Mom and me, we are going to visit the grandmom to the beach and his charming cairn terrier, Greta (your remember the movie about her?). I hope to make good weather and be able to go to the beach to play, and i´ll sending photos, but take no more there because we have no computer. I hope that Santa Claus will bring you many gifts and good health,job and love, which is the main and most important ...
Antes de irme, os dejos unas fotos de mi ciudad en navidad... espero que os guste y feliz navidad para todos!!!!
Before leaving, I put some pictures of my city in Christmas time ... I hope you enjoy it and Merry Christmas to everydoggy and your families!

Aquí con el gigante arbol de Navidad de la plaza Mayor!!!!Here with the big, christmas´tree in Plaza Mayor!!!!
Feliz Navidad y Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!