Ok friends, sometime ago that not knows nothing about me. I have to tell you many things that have happened in this time...because of it my absence.First to say to you that already I am nice of the accident with the big dog, very well and I want to give to your,thanks to all that you worried for my health, thank you very much to all of any heart. On the other hand I know that I have been a lot of time without writing, and this has explanation, WE HAVE CHANGED (home)!!! I explain ... I was living in a city of the north of spain, where it´s very cold and now mom has found a better job in another city, in the south of spain where always good time ago, heat and the better thing of everything is that it has beach ... we are very satisfied with the change. The change has been long...yet we have not opened all the boxes... I think that here we will be more happy, I see to mami very happily, and she has said to me that go to buying a few skates to be going to walk with me along the beach. During the time of change of city we hadn´t Internet, and we couldn´t write. Now we live at 9 hours in car (of distance) of our former city.I´ll give picture of my new life in this city, with a different climate, different people and the most important thing for us... THE BEACH!!!!
Aquí os dejo alguna foto del dia de la mudanza, un largo camino en coche...
Here you can see some picture of the change, a long day in car...